Gay men clothing stereotype

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Google your country and 'legal rights LGBTQ' or call the aforementioned groups to help find resources near you. If you don't live in the US, there are likely similar organizations in your country. If you live in the US, you can call Lamda Legal, the ACLU, or GLADD for outside help. Here are some tips from Lamda Legal on how to handle bullying at school. Please know that in the United States and many other countries you have a legal right to a safe environment at school where you can be yourself. I'm glad you know in your heart of hearts that you are AMAZING just the way you are and that you have the resilience to carry yourself through a toxic environment. I am sorry to hear about the daily bullying you are experiencing at school. Clothing is how we can show we are everyday people and have feelings ' They look at us like we have a mental illness. I want to use clothing to show that we are stronger then them. Being in high school and bisexual isn’t easy people talk about us as faggs. Jordan asked: 'I am a 14 year old bisexual teen and I try to use clothing to help state I am bisexual and I am proud.

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